1. Medical Psychology: field of interference between Medicine and psychosocial sciences 

Health Psychology, Psychosomatics, Behavioral Medicine, Clinical Psychology: similarities and differences. The role of the clinical psychologist in the hospital environment. Behavioral traits (A,C,D) related to an increased susceptibility to the disease. Protective and risky cognitive styles. Orientation of the clinician confronting a behavioral disorder. The main research methods in Medical Psychology. 

2. Mental stress (1) 

Definition. Stressors. Theoretical models of stress (classical vs. modern understandings). Stressors: types, particularities of psychological stressors compared to other stressors. Holmes and Rahe Major Life Events Scale. The relativity of perception and evaluation (appraisal) of stressors. Hormonal correlates of stress. The positive role of endorphins. 

3. Mental stress (2) 

Various perceptions of stress: the difference between "eustress" and "distress". The pathogenic impact of stress. The concept of allostatic load. The helplessness-hopelessness syndrome (Seligman). Functional and dysfunctional coping strategies. Antistress programs and strategies: effectiveness, cross-cultural validity. 

4. The multifaceted approach to the disease from the perspective of Health Psychology 

Conceptualization of the disease: models (biomedical, psychological, bio-psycho-social). Social and cultural aspects of the disease. The role of social support. Theoretical models regarding attitudes towards illness and treatment (the HBM, TRA, TPB, Leventhal models). The practical usefulness of knowing these models in the relationship with problematic / difficult patients. Individual variables that influence disease risk and disease behavior. 

5. Psychosomatic disorders and diseases 

Similarities and differences. Various explanatory models of the pathogenesis of psychosomatic diseases (classics: Alexander, Cannon, Pavlov; modern approaches). Clinical examples. The modern therapeutic approach to psychosomatic disorders and diseases. 

6. Pain, a psychologically critical symptom

General aspects (types of pain, causes of pain). The role of psychological factors in the production and intensification of pain (e.g., depression, anxiety). The particularities of pain syndromes in chronic/incurable diseases. Psychological interventions to reduce pain (hypnosis, relaxation, guided imagery). 

7. Medical communication (1) 

Doctor-patient relationship. The presumed statuses and roles of the doctor and the patient. Ethical aspects. Communication: functions, principles, component elements, types of communication (verbal, non-verbal).  

8. Medical communication (2) 

Different types of anamnesis and their usefulness. Doctor's skills to increase the efficiency of communication (active listening, empathy, assertiveness). Ways to increase the communication skills of medical personnel. 

9. Medical communication (3) 

Communication according to age, gender, social status, cultural affiliation. Ways of communicating bad news to the patient. 

10. Medical communication (4) 

Communication with problematic patients (e.g., anxious, depressed, aggressive, with personality disorders) - general principles. Specificity of communication with the patient's family. Ways of doctor-family cooperation (e.g., engagement of the family in the treatment plan, communication of bad news). 

11. Consequences of doctor-patient communication / lack of communication (1) 

Burnout syndrome in medical personnel. Iatrogenicity (e.g. psychiatric comorbidity induced by the doctor, mental drug addiction). Adherence vs. compliance. Psychological factors that influence them (e.g., in chronic diseases). 

12. Consequences of doctor-patient communication / lack of communication (2) 

Informational contagion. Information balance from authorized / unauthorized sources. The perceived quality of life of the patient and his family. The balance between gains and losses. The placebo, pseudoplacebo, and nocebo effects. Factors that influence their occurrence, importance in the clinical environment. 

13. Psychotherapy (1) 

Definitions, classification and indications of psychotherapy. Behavior modeling: from theoretical principles to counseling and psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis (definition, theoretical bases, indications, efficiency). 

14. Psychotherapy (2) 

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (definition, theoretical bases, indications and efficiency). Relaxation and hypnosis techniques (definition, theoretical bases, indications and efficiency).