„Dysfunctional attachment type among teenagers with early motherhood: prevalence and diagnosis through the DAP projective test”, Romanian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2016, 4 (3-4): 23-30.

Abstract: The pattern of social connection is a parameter that is often correlated with the life quality of the individual. Its development  can  be  influenced  by  a  large  array  of factors,  among  which,  according  to  literature  data,  the attachment type is highly important. Objective: The current study aimed to identify the relationship between the attachment type, on one hand, and the  age  of  motherhood  and  socio-demographic variables,  on  the  other  hand. It  also evaluated the  potential usefulness of the Draw-a-Person (DAP) projective test in the early diagnose of attachment dysfunctional types in young and adult mothers. 

Method: The study design was cross-sectional. The study group comprised 60 women, 13 to 43 years old (M = 21,18, SD = 6,37), who gave birth recently (less than a month before) and agreed to participate. Their socio-demographic  data  were collected  through  a  structured interview.  Subsequently,  they  answered  to  the Adult Attachment  Scale and  completed the DAP test. The  data  analysis  was  run  both  at the descriptive  and  the statistic level, the latter consisting of t-tests, Pearson’s correlation and linear regression. 

Results: Dysfunctional  (especially dismissive-avoidant) attachment  type was  found  to  be more  frequent  in teenage  mothers.A  number  of  socio-demographic factors  (such  as rural  background and  the  structure  of maternal family)  and  graphic characteristics (e.g. left-oriented  drawings,  continuous  outline),  were also associated to early motherhood. Several DAP markers (e.g. for uncertainty and body integrity) were statistically associated to dysfunctional attachment. 

Conclusions: Our findings  are arguments  for  running  further  research,  oriented  towards the  in-depth exploration  of the risk  factors  associated  to  early  motherhood and dysfunctional  attachment. The early identification  of  these  cases  (also  via  the  DAP test) can  facilitate prevention  or, if needed, psychotherapeutic intervention. Addressing  them  in a  timewise,  responsible and adequate  manner  can  prevent  their  negative influence on the child’s psycho-emorional status.